Thursday, October 22, 2015

Out Actor and Entertainer Leslie Jordan Shares Some Heartfelt Words About His Sobriety

From; Wicked Gay
I saw this on Leslie's Facebook page today and really love he opens up and shares some personal words and experiences and I wanted to share.

"Eighteen years ago today, I was in the back of a police car for the fifth time that year. I don't need to go on but I haven't had a drink since!
Has it been easy? Hell no. Have there been setbacks? Too many to name. BUT WE MUST ALWAYS RETURN TO TRUDGING THE ROAD OF HAPPY DESTINY. For this scarred, beaten up, sad alcoholic and crystal meth addict, sobriety is the only solution. I was a Golden Slipper in the early days.
I learned that we cannot make others happy unless we are happy with ourselves. Today, more than ever before, I am happy and proud of the man in the mirror. If you are not happy with who you've become then please make a change. You deserve it. You don't have to be "tore up from the floor up" and "sick and tired of being sick and tired". And, if you need help - don't ever be too proud to ask! There is a community out there that loves you - regardless of differences. Be Happy and Stay Different!
Thanks Joseph G. Daniels for the creative photograph you captured me at my best! J. Daniels Photo Studio
Love. Light. Leslie"

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