Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5th is World Day of Architecture

Created in 2005 by the Union International des Architects (UIA), World Architecture Day is a day to show appreciation for the work architects do and to celebrate some of the great global architectural works.

Architecture is incredibly important and architects have the potential to shape all of our lives through their hard work. In addition, architecture plays an essential role in planning for the future, sustaining population growth and tackling a number of social problems.

Events are held in different locations every year, bringing architects, engineers, planners and developers together to showcase their work, discuss future projects, debate current issues and plan new business ventures. So if you work in the industry, why not go along and join in?

For those who do not work within the field of architecture, simply take a few moments out of your day to appreciate the architectural feats that you usually take for granted during your everyday life.

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