Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5th is International Day of No Prostitution

International Day of No Prostitution (IDNP) is observed annually on October 5. This awareness day was first held in 2002 in some localities in the United States and Australia.
INDP was inaugurated as a manner of opposing prostitution. International Day of No Prostitution is supported by such organizations as the University of the Philippines Institute of Human Rights and the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women.

Events organized on the occasion include (but are not limited to) candlelight vigils, panel discussions, rallies, pickets, etc. They are aimed at raising awareness of the importance of struggling against prostitution, sex industry in general, human trafficking, and commercial sexual exploitation.

INDP is observed primarily by anti-prostitution feminists who regard prostitution as a form of male dominance over women and a form of exploitation. It should be noted that not all feminists have such views on prostitution.

Some of them oppose only forced prostitution, acknowledging the right of women to engage in prostitution if they choose so. They think that it is important to support sex worker activism against abuse rather than struggle against all types of prostitution.

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