Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23rd is National Pharmacy Buyer Day

  2015’s Pharmacy Buyer Day is Friday October 23, the Friday of the existing “National Hospital & Health-System Pharmacy Week”, which is held on the last full week of October each year.

  Pharmacy Buyer Day was the brainchild of Beth Meese, formerly the Pharmacy Purchasing Agent for Provena United Samaritan Medical Center in Danville, IL, now the Service Excellence Liason for the same hospital who came up with the idea back in 2005.  In 2007, we at the National Pharmacy Purchasing Association (NPPA) took her suggestion and made it into a movement.

  Each year, about 45 days in advance of that year’s Buyer Day, NPPA sends letters and a “Proclamation” to our city’s Mayor, to request legislative support to recognize locally, an official “Pharmacy Buyer Day.”  If they agree, our Proclamation gets returned with their signature and official government stamp of approval on it (click on the photo at end of page on the right, for the latest example of such returned and acknowledged Proclamation, by Mayor of NPPA’s hometown of San Diego, California).

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