Friday, October 9, 2015

Justin Bieber’s Father Reacts To Son’s Penis: “What Do You Feed That Thing? He’s A Beaut.”

Did you lose your lunch?
From: NewNowNext
Justin Bieber’s father has seen the photos of his son’s penis currently floating around the Internet, and whatever your reaction to those photos may have been, his is undoubtedly one thousand times creepier.

“what do you feed that thing” 40-year-old Jeremy Bieber tweeted at his son today. “#proud daddy ☺️”

The tweet is surprisingly still posted, even though just about everyone who’s seen it has reacted in pure horror and/or disgust. Papa Bieber, in case you didn’t know, has a documented history of being pretty creepy.

Pouring gasoline onto the fire, Jeremy then tweeted this:

We just can’t.

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