Friday, October 9, 2015


From: Manhunt Daily
I have literally no idea who Dan Osborne is when he’s at home, but his great big bulge is making me feel ways about stuff. God bless David at Wicked Gay Blog for bringing the best random dude pics into my life. I don’t know what he’s tapped into that I’m not, but I tend to see the same 20 porn guys all the time, so when a package like this comes along, it’s quite refreshing.

He’s got more over at WGB, but here’s my favorites and a tighter cropping on the best parts.

How do you just not fucking grab at it! Lemme see it, Dan! Go see the rest at Wicked Gay Blog, including the hot/pubey one from their tumblr.

Edited to add: ASSSSSSS (thanks Iain!)

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