Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29th is MAGS Day

Founded as an educational group dedicated to the preservation of the paleoindian village known as Chucalissa Indian Village, the Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society has been around since 1951. It's members have been active in many local archaeological and geological endeavors, including the discovery of a mastodon fossil along the banks of Nonconnah Creek in Memphis, Tennessee. September 29th of each year has been set aside as MAGS Day [in conjunction with the official charter date of the club, September 29, 1958].

You can celebrate MAGS Day by: [01] volunteering at [or visiting] a archaeological, geological, natural science, or earth science museum in your area; or [02] volunteering to help teach [or participating in earning] Girl Scout or Boy Scout badges related to the fields of archaeology or geology; or [03] learning about archaeology or geology by visiting your local library and checking books on the subject; or [04] participating in a field trip or dig involving archaeology or geology. Send us an email and let us know how you celebrated MAGS Day.

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