Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25th is National Psychotherapy Day

Psychotherapy has an image problem.

Despite the fact that therapy is an effective, economical, natural, and meaningful way to improve lives, fewer people go. Why is this? There’s a stigma against people who seek therapy. Therapy and therapists are depicted as a farce on screen. Big Pharma spends billions selling the quick fix of medication, while individual therapists compete with one another for clients. And those are just a few reasons of many.

Psychotherapy needs a unified campaign to promote the profession. That’s us. Since 2012, fans of National Psychotherapy Day:
Share therapy effectiveness research
Donate time or money to support low-fee counseling centers
Give constructive feedback to therapists
Talk and write about therapy to fight stigma, and
Wear turquoise on September 25th to show support

Join us, follow us (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube), give us suggestions, we’re all ears.

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