Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 22nd is Ice Cream Cone Day

Ice Cream Cone Day seeks to draw attention to the invention of the ice cream cone; an important, yet sadly often overlooked, invention that allows people to enjoy delicious ice cream combined with a handily portable and edible wafer cone, often whilst out and about. Just imagine what the world would look like without an ice cream cone. Ice cream would have to be eaten with a bowl, and ice lollies would dominate!

Celebrate Ice Cream Cone Day by testing various different styles of cones and flavors of ice creams. Debate the merits of the ‘oyster shell’ versus the ‘half cup’.

Encourage children to create pictures of their favorite ice creams and ponder on what the ice cream cone means to them.

Learn about the history of the cone – this is an area of hotly debated controversy with much discussion about the true origins and antiquity of the cone.

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