Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18th - 20th is Clean Up The World Weekend

The campaign’s flagship event is Clean Up the World Weekend, held on the 3rd weekend in September each year.

In 2015, Clean Up the World Weekend will be held from 18-20 September. In addition to uniting millions in global environmental action, Clean Up the World Weekend serves as a celebration of participants’ year round activities. By promoting their achievements internationally, Clean Up the World focuses public attention on global community concerns for the environment and how each individual can make a positive contribution to a cleaner and healthier world.

Groups, organisations, schools and businesses from communities around the world unite on Clean Up the World Weekend to take action at a local level to address global environmental issues.

Clean Up the World encourages participants to organise an activity on or around the Weekend and to celebrate their environmental successes achieved throughout the year.Activities can include clean up’s, tree plantings or environmental awareness raising activities.

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