Thursday, September 3, 2015

Not All Of The Duggars Are Standing By Josh Duggar

From: Dlisted
Jessa Duggar publicly said she was supporting her brother Josh Duggar and had forgiven him for molesting her when she was a little girl. But it looks like she has drawn the line at him cheating on his wife. As People points out, Jessa told all herTwitter followers to read a piece written by her father-in-law Michael Seewaldabout Josh Duggar coming out as a down low peen passer.

Michael Seewald basically said that Josh Duggar is not a CHRIS-CHEN-UH and is a major hypocrite. Here’s a piece of it:

“He flourished in the fame of his family and the success of their television show, all the while betraying their trust and Christian values. The thing that is so hurtful is that he was a loud voice endorsing Christian ethics and he has been shown to be a fraud. I am profoundly grieved that he attained such a platform only to bring shame on God’s holy name and the Christian faith. After hearing of Josh’s scandal when he was a teenager, I publicly stated that Josh appeared to be a changed man, was walking above reproach, and living out the faith that he professed. I stood in solidarity, encouraging him to use the scandal to build humility and grace. Sadly, he had deceived us all. The name of God has been blasphemed and God is jealous for his name.”
So in other words, Michael Seewald is saying that when Josh diddled little kids, God was like, “That’s wrong, but we’re cool.” But when Josh diddled himself while watching porn and possibly diddled another consenting adult, God was like, “Your dark-sided cheating sperm has tainted my name and your soul has been marked for the Ninth Circle!” Okay.

Jessa and her husband Ben Seewald also shared a link on Facebook to a sermon about just saying no to cheating.

People also claims that some of Anna Duggar’s family members wish Josh would just disappear. We already know how Anna’s brother feels and apparently other members of her family feel the same way. They don’t want Anna to be with him anymore, they don’t think the “rehab” he’s doing is going to work and they want him out of the picture. Well, yesterday, I linked to a post about how Josh Duggar may be missing. Josh reportedly checked into a faith-based rehab center in Illinois, but some claim that he hasn’t been to any of the meetings. And now we hear that Anna’s family wants him to disappear.


Either this is becoming an episode of 48 Hours or Josh Duggar said “fuck it” since his family members are turning on him and ran away to Alaska to be with the piece he met on Ashley Madison and knocked up. When I started this post, I didn’t know it would end with some Bristol Palin/Josh Duggar fanfic nobody asked for, but here we are.

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