Friday, September 25, 2015

More Than 40K Call On General Mills To Put Greg Louganis On Wheaties Box

From: Wicked Gay
Chicago mom Julie Sondgerath is expected Thursday to deliver more than 40,000 signatures to General Mills calling for Greg Louganis to be put on the cover of Wheaties.

Sondgerath says that she decided to start a petition after watching the HBO documentary Back on Board, which follows Louganis over the past three years as he reunites with diving, the sport he once dominated.

Louganis, who came out gay and HIV-positive in his 1988 best-selling memoir Breaking the Surface, was hailed as the “greatest diver ever” by Swimming World after he set a diving record at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, where he won two gold medals.

But General Mills denied Louganis the cover, telling a reporter at the time that he did not meet their “wholesome demographics.”

“Greg Louganis deserves (still) to be on the cover of the Wheaties box,” Sondgerath said. “And with marriage equality passing in June of 2015, what a great way to pay it forward to Greg and all of his accomplishments.” Full story here via On Top Mag!

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