Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Josh Duggar’s In-Laws Think He’s “Wicked,” “Evil,” And A “Pig”

From: Queerty
They say the family that prays together, stays together. Except, perhaps, when it comes to the in-laws of Josh Duggar.
In a blog post published Monday morning, Michael Seewald, the father of Josh’s brother-in-law Ben, took a moment to lash out against the admitted child molester and adulterer, who he says leads “a lifestyle of evil.”
“It distresses me to say that Josh Duggar’s greatest sin is a byproduct of the sum total of his secretly sinful lifestyle,” Seewald wrote. “By his hypocrisy, he blasphemed the name of God. He claimed to be a Christian, but by his deeds he has suggested otherwise.”
“With the name of God on his lips he lived a covert and extensive lifestyle of evil.”
But it gets better. Or worse, depending on how you look at it.
“After hearing of Josh’s scandal when he was a teenager,” Seewald continued, “I publicly stated that Josh appeared to be a changed man, was walking above reproach, and living out the faith that he professed. I stood in solidarity, encouraging him to use the scandal to build humility and grace. Sadly, he had deceived us all. … Josh was a pretender.”
Seewald’s rant comes just days after Josh’s brother-in-law took to Facebook to express his outrage over the scandal, calling Josh a “pig,” saying he hopes Anna divorces him, and suggesting that “maybe you should go read ur bible instead of beating people over the head with it.”
Josh is currently seeking help for his “sinful behavior” at a treatment center in Illinois. Meanwhile, his parents released a statement saying they are continuing to look to Jesus H. Christ for guidance and support “during this most difficult situation.”

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