Monday, September 28, 2015

Jessa And Jill Duggar Are Coming Back To TLC

From: Dlisted
When TLC quietly slid 19 Kids and Counting into the trash bin after pedophile potato Josh Duggar admitted to molesting many young girls including his sisters, there were rumors that they weren’t done with the Duggars just yet and were planning to give Jessa and Jill Duggar their own spin-off show. You know, because Jim Bob Duggar is basically the Quiverfull version of Pimp Mama Kris and TLC isn’t ready to let their gravy train go just yet. Well, that rumor became a fact, TLC announced that Jessa and Jill will star in their own specials. The specials will air directly after TLC’s new show Say No To The Gays, a show which follows Kim Davis as she travels the country and denies marriage licenses to gay couples.

The Associated Press says TLC has ordered three specials, so far, and the first one will air by the end of the year. One special will follow Jessa and her husband Ben Seewald as they prepare to have their first (of 500, probably) child. Another special will follow Jill and her husband Derick Dillard (the one on the right who looks like a pirate zombie on meth) as they prepare to move to El Salvador to do missionary work. I have relatives in El Salvador and I am speaking for them when I say that they have truly, truly, TRULY, truly been through enough.

A source tells the AP that Josh Duggar isn’t going to be in any of the specials for obvious reasons and also because he’s either cleansing his porn-loving cheating soul while building pews in a Christian labor camp or he’s hiding out in a hooker’s crotch in a whore house in South America somewhere. TLC birthed out this statement about the specials:

“What we will be following in these specials is Jessa preparing for her first child,” TLC Executive Vice President and General Manager Nancy Daniels told The Associated Press, “and we’ll be watching Jill preparing to make a major move to Central America with her family, which we know is something our audience will be interested in. We know that our audience is really excited about what’s been going on with Jill and Jessa as they move into young adulthood,” said Daniels. “And now they’re both at the precipice of big changes. With what was happening in their lives in the next few months, it felt like now is the time (for the specials), and we got going pretty quickly.”What do you think?

All bitchy sarcasm aside, it’s really nice that TLC is putting the “learning” back in “The Learning Channel” by airing these specials. The special about Jill and Derick’s move to El Salvador is going to be especially educational for Kim Davis. If Kim Davis ever gets pushed out of her position and needs cash, she can watch that TLC special and get tips from Jill and Derick on how to get a ton of money out of your supporters for “missionary trips.”

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