Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Guys with iPhones: Smuggling Sausage

From: Fleshbot
You sausage smuggler, you.

On a side note, he looks vaguely enough like a young Chris Noth for me to bring up my Chris Noth story. Bear in mind this is second hand, but it comes from a very reliable source. A friend of mine waited tables at a very upscale steakhouse in Midtown Manhattan, and Chris Noth was a guest one night. He proceeded to get drunk out of his mind and ask his server if she'd be willing to go back to his place and piss on him. So yeah, good luck thinking of anything other than watersports when you hear the name or see Chris Noth somewhere. Everyone deserves to live in a world where Carrie Bradshaw does all of her pissing on Big. 

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