Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Gay People Meeting The Pope Are Like Alcoholics At An Open Bar, Says Mike Huckabee

From: Queerty
"Megyn, if I were hosting a group of Alcoholics Anonymous, I wouldn’t set up an open bar.Bring the best and the most faithful Catholics you can…I’m not sure that inviting people who are openly at odds with the Vatican, who have criticized the Pope for his positions and the Church’s positions, the doctrinal positions on abortion and euthanasia, why do you put them in the very likely position where they would be photographed with him and make it a very embarrassing moment.”

— Antigay Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee during an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Monday night in reference to the openly gay Catholics and LGBT activists invited to attend Pope Francis’ visit to the White House.Watch Huckabee offend every last one of us below.

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