Monday, September 7, 2015


Photography by Miguel Villalobos
Colby once had sex with a guy who had no smell,
 'Like he was this weird silicon robot'.
 As promised, part two of BUTT’s Colby Keller double-header… Photographer Miguel Villalobos apparently couldn’t get enough of the artist-slash-porn actor. When he sent over the one hundred and fifty plus images, we figured we’d better spread the love and go back for a second helping with this big guy.

For those of you who enjoy a good read and may be looking for some insight into what makes Colby tick, check out the full interview over yonder.
Hairy feet are healthy feet.
Follicles on your tootsies are a sign of good circulation

'I don't have a remarkable penis...'

Colby's good at organizing things.
He's maybe less good at vacuuming and wiping things down.


'The most powerful position is often the
 one where you think you have the least power'

'... But I'm a pretty good kisser'.

Abstinent for art...

By month's end, Colby will have given
 away every item of clothing he has ever worn.

'This is not a steroided body'.

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