Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Big Man on Instagram: Max Emerson

From: Towleroad
Actor, writer, director, exhibitionist, and underwear model Max Emerson has amassed nearly 230,000 followers on Instagram and we can understand why. Emerson is currently crowdfunding for a feature film, Hooked, that focuses on LGBT homeless youth.

To find out more about Hooked, you can visit the project’s IndieGoGo campaign HERE.

Below, we dig into Emerson’s body of work.

Emerson is definitely committed to taking shameless selfies. Whether he’s on the ground or in the air.

Come sleet or snow.

He likes to use his sex appeal to troll religious bigots.

And to raise awareness about STD testing.

Sometimes he gets tired though.

Really tired.

A photo posted by Max Emerson (@maxisms) on

Seriously though, Max, are you OK? You’d tell us if you had narcolepsy right?

He has mastered the art of the crotch grab

Exhibit B.

He understands how a great location can add production value to a photo.

A photo posted by Max Emerson (@maxisms) on
He looks great in leather.

A photo posted by Max Emerson (@maxisms) on
And lycra.

A photo posted by Max Emerson (@maxisms) on
Or, you know, less.

He’s quite the acrobat.

A photo posted by Max Emerson (@maxisms) on
But he knows how to stay balanced

And how to get a little wild.

But maybe too wild sometimes.

He gets that a sense of humor is sexy.

And that sometimes, you just gotta goof off with your bros.

And monkey around.

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