Saturday, September 26, 2015

50 Shades Of Gay Grey: The Ultimate Guide To The Man-Loving Silver Fox

From: Towleroad
 With the opening of the highly anticipated, debated, snarked at, and side-eyed 50 Shades of Grey, we thought rather than read passages from the book (which we've covered before), discuss the movie's disastrous press tour, its reviews, or even what the film and book may have cribbed (if anything) from gay BDSM culture, we would take this opportunity to draw your attention to a different kind of grey: that is grey hair on gay men. 

We pulled together a list of 50 gay men who make grey look good. Young and old, covering a diverse range of backgrounds and professions, these fellas rock all shades of grey. Whether it's just the whiskers, a dash of salt and pepper or full on silver fox, these men show the true diversity not to mention growing popularity of grey hair. Some have embraced going prematurely grey and others have gone grey well before they might ever do so naturally to make a style statement.

Get ready to fall crazy in love with these gay men sporting grey

Armistead Maupin
Author – Literary Grey

One of our favorite authors who has regaled us for years with Tales of the City proves that grey is not only literary but also soulful.

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