Thursday, September 24, 2015

15 Frustrations Of Every Out Gay Kid Who Grew Up In A Small Town

Because, let's face it, it wasn't easy for all of us.
From: NewNowNext
I came out of the closet when I was 12, on a hot and sticky bus ride home from the 6th grade. My first confidants were (naturally) my two best girlfriends, who lived in the same neighborhood I did and, to their credit, took the news reasonably well.

Not everyone in my small town was so understanding, but I didn’t have it too bad, all things considered. Though my Connecticut hometown hovers somewhere in the space between rural and suburban, it is Connecticut, after all—a reliably blue state and a pretty tolerant (if provincial) place.

That said, being the only out kid in town (at least for a few years) had more than its fair share of eye roll-inducing moments.

Check out 15 frustrations familiar to anyone who’s ever been out there on his/her own.

Being “The Gay One”

Or as I was known, “Jamo Gaymo.”

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