Friday, August 28, 2015

Watch What Happens When A Sexy Gym Bunny Gets Locked Inside His Gym

From: Towleroad
A handsome LA Fitness member exited from his local club’s sauna to find a humorous, yet frustrating surprise: the club was closed early, effectively locking him in.

WABC7 reports that Nick Clayton of Palm Harbor, Fla., was in his LA Fitness’ sauna with earphones on around 5 p.m. when the club closed for the night, neglecting to check the sauna for other patrons. Clayton later walked out and was stunned to find the lights off. Clayton documented his experience using his phone.

Clayton escaped his gym prison with the help of another LA Fitness location who freed him. LA Fitness stated that their closing time is at 5 p.m. on weekends at that particular location.

Watch the handsome Clayton document his puzzling experience below:

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