Sunday, August 23, 2015


One Third of Young Americans Say They Aren’t 100% Straight
From:  Wicked Gay Blog
"Nearly a third of Americans under 30 do not identify as 100% straight, a new survey has found.

Following a similar study in the UK, YouGov asked 1,000 American adults to place their sexuality on the Kinsey scale, where 0 is exclusively straight and 6 is exclusively gay.

Overall, 78% of respondents say they are completely straight, while 4% say they are completely gay.

Sixteen percent say they fall somewhere in between: 10% more straight than gay, 3% in the middle and another 3% predominantly gay.

However, younger Americans were noticeably less likely to put themselves in a firm category, with only 66% of under-30s identifying as completely straight or gay; 29% say they are bisexual on some level. 

The research noted that ‘a large number of Americans who classify themselves as heterosexual still admit to having had same sex experiences.’

Fifteen percent of straight women and 8% of straight men say they have had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex." Full story here via Gay Star News!

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