Thursday, August 27, 2015

Most Right-Swiped Campuses 2015: Did Yours Make the List?

From: Go Tinder
 Class is back in session. Just in time for the fall semester, we’re releasing our inaugural list of “Most Right-Swiped” U.S. campuses. Who received the most right swipes? Check out the full list, insights and a map highlighting the top schools below:

  • Top 10 campuses for females and males who received the most right swipes are widely dispersed

  • University of Mississippi made the top 10 most right-swiped male and female lists
  • 9 out of 10 campuses with most popular females are public
  • The majority of campuses with the most popular males are private schools, with the 5th most right-swiped being a military academy
  • Top 4 most right-swiped males attend a religiously affiliated university
  • Top 25 males: ACC Schools lead with 7; Ivy League came in second with 4 schools
  • Top 25 females: SEC schools lead with 5; Big 12, ACC came in second with 4 schools
  • Profiles with the most right swipes all contained bios

Data is based on the ratio of right swipes received by students attending each university, ages 18-23 in the spring of 2015.

Excited that your school made the list? Disappointed that you didn’t make the top 50 this year? Let us know what you think using #TinderU and show your pride by sharing #TinderU badges.

Welcome back - and swipe on!​

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