Wednesday, August 19, 2015


From:  Manhunt Daily
There’s one aspect to leather that I can totally agree with leather fetishists on – the smell. If you inhale deeply of a leather jacket, vest, pants, chaps, or (most importantly) a leather jock, it’s a definite aphrodisiac. The crisp smell is so masculine, summoning images of bikers, cowboys, and yes,Spencer Reed (above). Why does leather really do it for some people? Manhunt member Txbikersums it up for us after the jump. We’ve also included some leathery pics from Bound Gods.

Txbiker sez:

I remember an IML contestant who said “I like leather because it makes my dick hard!” and “I like leather because it gives me something to hold onto.”The intoxicating smell of the tanned leather, the caress of the fit, (I’m assuming the product fits) the smoothness of the product. Yes. Also chaps keep you legs from loosing circulation if you’re in a sling with chains improperly spaced. Black makes the wearer feel power between his legs and causes the uninitiated yearning to feel that power. If you’re not in leather, you fantasize about it would feel to have your legs wrapped around those black leather legs while getting fucked as never before.

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