Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lenny Kravitz tore his pants on stage and his dick came out

From; deathandtaxes
Lenny Kravitz’s  show in Stockholm got off to a bad start when the rocker managed to expose his penis during the first song after splitting his leather pants. Kravitz shuffled off the stage to change. (Lord knows he must have a whole rack of leather pants on standby for just such an occasion!) However, as this photo snapped by a fan shows, the 51-year-old musician isn’t a fan of underwear.

“It was insane, I killed myself laughing,” a fan known only as Sara told the newspaper the Expression. “And then I called my mum who was there at the show as well. Her reaction was the same and she almost killed herself laughing too.” Sara did also claim that Kravitz apologized to the crowd and fessed up to the fact that he ripped his pants. It’s touching how a mom and a daughter can bond over laughing at a wardrobe malfunction. Nothing brings families together quite like laughing at Lenny Kravitz’s dick.

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