Wednesday, August 26, 2015


From: Manhunt Daily
I don’t know a single guy who’s never thought about having a bigger penis. Even guys with thick, mouth-watering eight-inch cocks will look over enviously at the guy next to him with a thicker, nine-inch cock. With all the products out there that claim to provide “miraculous” results, it’s tempting to spend a couple of bucks for those extra inches, but do they work? More importantly, have you ever tried one of them?

This question came to mind when I saw that the Magnum Penis Stretcher was one of last week’s most-sold items in the MANHUNT Shop. I didn’t even know such a product existed! As I sat at my computer terrified, my co-worker slammed a sample device onto my desk. I became even more terrified when he told me that you’re supposed to wear it for 8-12 hours per day. People actually use these things? Wow!

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