Sunday, August 23, 2015


57% Of Likely GOP Voters Now Believe Donald Trump Will Win The Nomination
From: Wicked Gay Blog
According to a new Rasmussen poll out on Friday, 57% of likely Republican voters now think Trump is likely to be the party’s nominee. That includes 25% of voters who say it’s “very likely” he’ll win the nomination. As Rasmussen notes, that’s up significantly from the 27% in July who thought it likely that Trump would be the nominee. The real-estate magnate has defied expectations and maintained his front-runner status in the polls despite numerous controversies and few concrete policy proposals. Since jumping to the front of the pack in July, Trump has consistently received more than 20% of the Republican vote nationally, with a Real Clear Politics average of 22% in recent polling. The next-closest candidate is former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), who has averaged about 10.7% of the vote recently. (Source-Joe My God)

WGB :: I HOPE HE WINS! There I said it. All I hear is bitching from Democrats and slander against the two front running potential candidates, so fuck it. YOU GET DONALD TRUMP! Welcome to Donald Trump's America where Republicans actually think he is good for this country, and where Democrats are too fucking lazy to care otherwise. You don't like Hillary, fine. You don't like Bernie, fine. Who do you like? Don't even say Joe Biden, because the first time he opens his mouth and says something stupid, you will all throw him under the bus.

You have heard the term "armchair athletes?" We have become a nation of armchair politicians. Am I pissed? Damn right, I am pissed. Disgusted with the lack of suggestions and support to continue to take this country forward. Why do I feel like we are going to look back in 5 years and realize just how fucking good we had it with Barack Obama.

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