Friday, August 21, 2015

Ask QC: Mac

From: Queer Click

Reader Steven asks,

What websites show videos for MAC computer users? It’s a problem, let me tell ya. Here I am at home, pants down, all lubed up and excited as HELL to watch the new Sean Cody boy on my new MAC computer. And when I try and load it…nothing. It’s a cruel twist of fate to have such a rad computer, but not to watch Sean Cody or Corbin Fisher!!! It aint’ right. Not watching hot gay porn is against God’s will and I can’t stand it anymore! I need something to fill the void, help QC. HELP!

Dear Steven,
Since a good number of QC editors are on Macs, we feel your pain. Blame it on Microsoft! Since most porn producers encode their videos using Microsoft’s digital rights management scheme (DRM), and since Microsoft doesn’t have a player for Mac, we aren’t able to view most videos.
Some sites encode their videos in Flash or do not use DRM, and will work on Macs. The handful that come to mind are You Love Jack, Randy Blue, Bang Bang Boys, Next Door Male sites, Bentley Race, Lucas Kazan Productions, UK Naked Men and VideoBoxMen. Sadly, Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher aren’t isn’t viewable on Macs.
The only way around this problem is to run Windows on top of your Mac using Apple’s Boot Camp (free) or software like Parallels (around $80). You’ll need to provide your own Vista license, but once you’re all set-up, you’ll be able to boot into Windows and watch videos as much as your hands can take.
Are there other Mac users who are as frustrated as Steven? What do you do to view your favorite porn? Did we miss sites that can be viewed on a Mac? Speak up in the comments.

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