Friday, August 28, 2015

Ashley Madison Splits With Noel Biderman

From: Boy Culture
Ashley Madison founder Noel Biderman is stepping down as CEO of the beleaguered hook-up site for marrieds in the wake of the company's devastating data breach.

I can see why he and the company ...

would feel the time was right for a divorce.

I met Mr. Biderman at bethenny and found him to be creepy as hell, but I support Ashley Madison and other hook-up sites. Cheating is as old as the world, I would imagine, and there is no way to really stop it from happening; there is too great a thrill associated with being naughty.

Regardless, any moral objections to a site that facilitates cheating should be trumped by the insane data breach perpetrated by persons unknown that resulted in the egregious invasion of privacy experienced by hundreds of thousands (more?) of the site's users. The second dump contained data suggesting Biderman himself was cheating (he'd always denied it, not convincingly) ... but why do we need to know that? What purpose is served?

What happens when some anti-gay group or sex-negative group breaches Grindr and dumps everyone's dick pics and sexual proclivities on the Internet? This shit is not whistle-blowing, it's moralistic, invasive and wrong.

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