Sunday, August 30, 2015

Agust 30th is National Toasted Marshmallow Day

If you were not hungry for something sweet, once you begin today’s celebration you soon will be as August 30 annually celebrates National Toasted Marshmallow Day!

Get your friends together, gather up some firewood, a few long sticks and a bag of marshmallow and you have the makings of a great night ahead of you.  Toasted marshmallows is a special part of summer evenings around a bonfire.  One of the popular ways to enjoy a delicious warm, gooey toasted marshmallow is with chocolate and Graham crackers in a S’more.

Upon personal preference, marshmallows are heated to various degrees from gently toasted to a charred outer layer.   The charred outer layer is achieved by igniting the marshmallow.
Have a wonderful, warm and gooey day

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