Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Leaky Roof by Peter Venlig

From: Queer Click
 I love to recall a chance encounter I had with a horny carpenter that was working odd jobs on weekends, and we met because I needed his help. I had recently purchased a new townhome, and the skylights over my living room leaked during a rainstorm. I was furious because all of my furniture was new as well, and water dripping on my couch would never do. I called the people who sold the property to me, and I complained bitterly about their shoddy construction. They assured me a reliable repairman was scheduled to fix my leak that following Saturday. In the meantime I had to place containers under the drips when it rained.
Saturday was my day off and I wanted to get up late, but I couldn’t sleep in because the repairman could already be heard thumping on my roof as soon as the sun came up. He didn’t bother to knock on the door prior to working because he was hired by the builder. I decided to get up early, and I busied myself with some housecleaning because I wanted to stay around until the repair work was done. I remember being impressed when I realized the carpenter was removing the shingles all around the skylight to make sure he found the exact leak. This guy knew what he was doing.
In only a few more hours that summer day grew hot, and I glanced up through the skylight to see my repairman had removed his shirt. The poor guy was already shiny with sweat in the heat. I also noticed he had a good tan, and his strong build was impressive. He had long hair that he controlled with a bandana, but his locks were so long and thick that the wind often blew the bandana loose. He was kinda sexy. I was about to look away when I suddenly felt a twang in my crotch. He had turned just the right way so I could see he had thick blond hair all over his chest. It was difficult, but I had to force myself to break my gaze because I didn’t want to get caught staring at him. He definitely had me thinking this day was getting better.
Soon my cleaning chores were done and the last load of laundry was in the dryer. I decided to take a break by stretching out on the couch. There was nothing on TV that interested me; all I could do was lay back and try to relax. The banging on my roof became especially loud so I looked up just in time to see the repairman lifting the clear dome off my skylight, and I used the chance to call up to him,
“You look pretty hot up there…you want something to drink?” He acted surprised that I would offer him something and he seemed kinda shy.
“Oh no thank you,” he stuttered, “I have water up here with me, so I’m good.”
“Well I have a 12-pack of beer waiting down here if you get thirsty,” I said trying to tempt him. He smiled for a moment like he had something more to say, but then he looked away and went back to his work. I had seen his face though, and that was enough for now because he was very handsome. He even had a cute cleft in his chin, and slight dimples when he smiled. He seemed really nice too. But it was the sparkle in his blue eyes that grabbed me the most. He had a purity about him that was hard to ignore.
It was another hour or so before I became stir crazy with nothing to do, and I wanted to leave, but something told me to stay until the repairman was done. I guess I didn’t really trust the builders of the complex because I found a lot of incomplete work in my place after moving in. It soon became a regular routine for repairmen to show up at my door because I wanted it all to be fixed. None of those previous repairmen looked near as nice as this guy on my roof though. My blond, longhaired carpenter had grabbed my attention without even trying, and he had no idea how horny I was getting. I stretched out on the couch again, but I couldn’t sleep because of his constant thumping on my roof. It was tempting to watch him because the dome of the skylight was still off, and I could see him clearly.
The repairs were taking a long time, and the sexy guy was sweating a lot, so he stood upright to face the breeze every opportunity he could get. He was so beautiful that it looked like he was striking a pose up there. He faced the breeze with eyes closed, his head shook back and forth to let his hair flow freely, and he looked totally relaxed. I wish I had taken his picture just then because he resembled a perfect statue in that moment. Soon he was stripped down to wearing just some baggy shorts, and he stretched his legs wide to straddle the opening in my roof while he worked. He adjusted his shorts to let the air circulate when I suddenly realized he was freeballing, and I caught a glimpse of his dick hanging down one pant leg. Immediately my cock started to swell and I crossed my legs so it wouldn’t show, but it was too late; the repairman saw me squirming, and he was looking at me in return.

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