Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Frolic In The Woods

From:  Queer Click

I had one hell of a encounter while on a recent business trip. I won’t identify the town or specific place for fear that others might read this with the intention of bringing a halt to these activities. I had a few hours of free time, feeling horny as hell, and I hadn’t shot off in days….my libido was raging. I drove to a very cruisey forest preserve that I had heard about. And all the rumors were true. Along the main road that wound thru the woods there must have been two dozen cars parked in various areas, with single guys just sitting there waiting to connect with someone (I presumed) for a quicky. I wasn’t quite sure what the drill was, so I drove around for about 10 minutes scoping things out.

I pulled between two parked cars in my rental and made immediate eye contact with both guys, who seemed to have the same thing in mind that I did. I opened my fly and started masturbating, making my arm movements pretty apparent for these two guys. The older guy on my right, driving a real nice new white Navigator, started doing the same, then he arched his back up so I could plainly see his erect penis as he stroked it. In response, I opened my mouth, stretched out my tongue, and ran my finger in and out of my mouth. He nodded back. The guy on my left was just sitting there not doing much of anything. Then we noticed a police car driving by. Both of my companions, immediately started their cars, backed out and left. I zipped up and just sat there for awhile, then I left too.
I drove to another section of the forest preserve, and lo and behold, who did I see parked there – the guy in the Navigator. I pulled in beside him, rolled down my window. He did the same. We made the obligatory small talk, then I asked him if he wanted a good blow job, and asked where it was safe to go. He seemed familiar with the place, and suggested a trail just to our right. He said the cop we’d seen always patrols about that time, and then goes elsewhere and doesn’t return for a good 2 hours. Then he said that he’d just connected with another guy he knew, and said that he was sure he’d be interested in a blow job also, and also liked to watch. He told me he’d try to find him and be right back. He left, and I sat there jacking off for awhile. Sure enough, the Navigator returned in about 5 minutes leading another guy driving a small red BMW sports convertible. I was running with well-heeled company that day.
We all got out of our cars and made introductions….my Navigator friend was Doug, and Mr Beemer was Mark. Doug suggested we enter the trail separately and he’d lead the way and show us a good spot he’d used before. I was really getting hot now, and I had a full-blown erection poking up under my Dockers. I had my small brown bottle of “Jungle Juice” poppers with me, plus a few condoms and lube, just in case. As Doug departed I noticed an olden Asian guy pull up. He was watching us. Mark followed Doug in a few minutes, then me. I glanced back and noticed that the Asian fellow had fallen in behind me on the trail. What the hell….the more the merrier. About 500 yards down this beautiful wooded path, I noticed Doug sitting on a log, and Mark beside him. Doug then led us off the main path a good way into the woods, well out of sight of the trail. I glanced back again to see the Asian guy following us, but well back. Doug led us to a cluster of fallen trees that hid us from view from anyone approaching.
The three of us stood there in a circle massaging each other’s rising cocks for awhile, and I told them that I’d like to suck each of them off and take their cum. Doug said, “Alright, why don’t you do me first, and you can jack off while you watch Mark.” Mark dropped his pants and started masturbating, as I dropped to my knees in front of Doug, who was wearing tan shorts and a yellow golf shirt. I ran my hand up his shorts to his underpants and slipped my fingers inside and fondled his cock and balls. He was pretty well hard at that point. I pulled down his shorts, then played with his cock over the white cotton of his Hanes briefs. Playing with guys in their underpants is a turn on for me, especially if they’re wearing white cotton Calvin Klein, Jockey, FOL or Hanes briefs. I reached into the fly and extracted Doug’s hard cock. I took a short sniff of my poppers, and that sent me into an instant sex frenzy….poppers have that effect on me. I wrapped my lips around his penis and started orally masturbating him – back and forth. Doug moaned and remarked how good it felt. Mark was giving words of encouragement as he watched us and jacked off. I pulled off and mentioned that we might have a fourth soon, and told them about our Asian friend….who I noticed was observing us from a discrete distance in the trees. They welcomed him over, and he joined us. His said his name was Walter, and I judged him to be around 65 or so. Nice looking guy and well dressed like the rest of us. We asked him to keep watch for anyone approaching. He nodded.
I dropped Doug’s underpants to his ankles, and did the same to my pants. I was also fully erect, and was masturbating as I sucked him off. I played with his nice dangling balls as I gave him head. Mark stepped behind Doug and started kissing his ear, while whispering things to us like, “Worship that beautiful cock Will”, “Oh yeah, shoot that cum Dougie”, “Are you getting close”, “This is so hot watching you”, etc. At that point I think that Mark wetted his finger and slipped it up Doug’s asshole because he started and got quite worked up. He said if we kept it up, he’d shoot real soon. Then Doug started humping my mouth and groaning and breathing hard. Mark and Walter started telling him to shoot his load. I pulled back a little and stuck out my tongue right under the head of Doug’s cock, and told them to watch him spurt. Doug jacked himself a few times, then leaned forward and squirted his first ejaculation right onto my outstretched tongue. GOD it was hot! Mark and Walter were really turned on my seeing Doug’s load spurt out on my tongue and into my mouth, squirt after squirt. Wish to hell I’d thought to bring my camera…..those would have been classic photos. I held Doug’s full cumload on my tongue and showed it off for all to see, then swallowed it down. Doug sank to his knees panting, pretty well spent from his orgasm.
Then I shuffled on my knees over to Mark, who was getting real close to cumming after jacking himself off the whole time. I took another hit of poppers, then I asked if I could lick his finger, which I did. Mark had a much larger cock that Doug – maybe eight inches, and beautifully proportioned with a great looking head…both were cut. I started licking the underside of Mark’s hard cock, which was sticking straight out. His pants and underpants were around one of his ankles. He spread his legs as Doug hunkered down below us for a nice upview of my mouth working back and forth on Mark’s penis. I finger fucked Mark as I sucked him off. In what seemed like less than a minute, Mark announced that he was going to cum. Like Doug, he pulled out of my mouth and jacked off over my tongue. Then I took over and jacked him myself. He arched and said, “Here it comes”….and I was promptly rewarded to my 2nd load of warm, fresh sperm. I directed the first shot on my tongue, then moved his spurting penis around my cheeks and face and let him shoot all over my face before placing it back in my mouth to suck out the balance of his semen. The other two guys were loving it, and even Walter now had his little wanger out and jerking off to the scene.
I savored the moment for awhile, while we all recovered ourselves after Mark’s very spectacular ejaculation. He pulled a handkerchief out of his back pocket and wiped off my face, saying that it was the hottest thing he’d ever done. Then I moved over to patient Walter., who’d been eagerly awaiting his turn. He was hesitant to drop his pants, so I just started sucking him off with his cock poking out of his open fly. I pulled his balls out so I could play with them as I gave him head. Doug came over and started jacking me off with a nice handjob as I sucked off Walter. He wasn’t saying much….I think he was a bit overwhelmed by the whole scene. I had to mouth pump him for a good while before I noticed him getting worked up to any semblence of orgasm. Doug was pumping me pretty good below, and Walter started to show sign of life. Unlike his two predecessors, he was uncut and pretty small with pretty small balls. But what the hell, a cock is a cock. He was rock hard now, and I rolled back his foreskin to expose his head for maximum sensitivity. He started face fucking me, then leaded forward with a loud groan. His sperm poured into my mouth, not so much with the intense spurts of the other two guys, but kind of oozed out of his penis. When he was thru shooting, I held out my tongue to show everyone his nice load, then swallowed it.
Doug was still masturbating me, so I laid down and let him finish me off….which didn’t take long. All three watch as I shot my first spurt up in the air a good 6 inches, then the rest poured out onto Doug’s pumping hand. He then leaned over, put his whole mouth around my cock, and ate up my whole load, then licked the last oozing drops of semen from my piss slit.
We all walked back to our cars not saying much, but with big smiles on our faces and a definite feeling of contentment and accomplishment. I wish to hell these guys lived where I do….they were “keepers”. All of us, as it turned out, were married with kids, and secretly into this hidden agenda, with wives who could care less about sex.

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