Monday, August 24, 2015

25 Lesbians Every Gay Guy Should Know

From: NewNowNext
Susan Sontag 

Susan Sontag was a lot of things: prodigy, scholar, novelist, essayist, short-story writer, filmmaker and public intellectual. Though she married young and had a child, she was also a great lover of women—her published journals detail her early distress over her “lesbian tendencies,” as well as her joyful sexual awakening.
These journals were also where she began to gather observations about the queer subcultures she found herself suddenly immersed in, material that would eventually become her famous 1964 essay “Notes on Camp,” one of the earliest pieces of cultural criticism to focus explicitly on gay culture.

Sontag was the partner of photographer Annie Liebowitz, though the two never publicly disclosed the nature of their relationship during Sontag’s lifetime.

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