Wednesday, August 26, 2015

15 Things You Need To Do Before The End Of Summer

Because, sorry folks, it's about that time.
From: NewNowNext
 And just like that, the September issue of Vogue is on the newsstands, the cute new bathing suits are getting stuffed into the back corner of the underwear drawer and the puffy winter coats are coming out of the vacuum storage bags to crowd your closet.

But don’t rip your summer dreams at the seams just yet. There are still a few days left to enjoy, dammit. You’ve just got to know how to use them.

Here’s a list of 15 things you need to do before your last moments of summer are buried in a tidal wave of pumpkin spice-flavored everything:
Get the hell out of your house.

The tail end of the summer can feel really sleepy and lazy. But when the snow-pocalypse really has you holed up indoors, you’ll have visions of farmer’s markets and park benches dancing in your head.

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