Wednesday, January 8, 2014

For The Love Of Watersports:11 Openly Gay Swimmers And Divers

From: Queerty
 Tom Daley

Born in 1994, Daley started diving at seven years old. At the 2008 Summer Olympics he became not only his native Great Britain’s youngest athlete but also the youngest athlete to reach a final. Then last year, Daley snatched a Bronze medal in the 10-meter individual platform competition at the London Olympics. Daley came out as bi via YouTube earlier this month, citing his relationship with out screenwriter Dustin Lance Black as his inspiration. In what is an apparent trend with swimmers and divers, Daley also has an aversion to clothes. It must be the uniform.

Your Nightly Briefing

From: Boy Culture
 Actor Walter Delmar poses in his skivvies for Twelvez Photography. The shots were taken on a cherry farm near Hood, California.


From:  Manhunt Daily
There must be a director’s cut of Big Dipper‘s “Skank” music video somewhere. The thick, hirsute rapper brought on board gay porn star Boomer Banks, extremely attractive human Brett Edward Stout and a lively cast of characters for the visual, yet for some inexplicable reason, nobody deepthroats Boomer’s 10 inch schlong or eats Dipper’s hairy ass within the duration of the clip. This is pure lunacy! It’s unacceptable in every sense of the word.

Should Big Dipper’s fans stage a protest and demand a refund from Kickstarter, since the Pretty Woman-inspired “Skank” video doesn’t embody the ultimate level of skankiness? Probably not! They seem to be happy with the final results thus far, and even flawless sex god Angel Rock has provided his seal of approval (which surely has nothing to do with the fact that he’s currently dating one of the stars).

At the end of the day, I suppose I’ll give my seal of approval too. The song itself doesn’t hang with me as much as other queer hip-hop by I.K.P. or even Dipper’s collaboration with Hand Job Academy, but I’ve got to admit that director Tobin Del Cuore came very, very close to topping the pair’s breakout clip for “Drip Drop“.

Dylan Ryan

From:  Gay Cam Studs
My name is Dylan Ryan and I'm from the states. I love showing off my body, and my cock. It turns me on to get hard for people and to blow my load hard for the right person. I love being told that you want to see my cum. Blow it all over my abs. Turns me on more than you could understand. Come to my chat room on Gay Cam Shows and i promise you will have a good time there.

Winter’s Children: Naked Ambition

Professional Snowboarders Bare All for Jim Mangan’s Short Film

Seven snowboarders go streaking down a back country run in professional rider-turned-director Jim Mangan’s exhilarating short film Winter’s Children. “It is an overstatement of why I started snowboarding,” says the filmmaker, who for the last 11 years designed runs at Park City Mountain in Utah where he served as creative head. “It’s also a statement about points in life when you put yourself out in the cold, naked. It’s not necessarily comfortable, but that chill in your bones makes you feel alive.” Mangan can relate: He recently cast off his business suit to pursue art

Daniel Rajcsanyi

From:  OMG
Gay German Snowboarder Daniel Rajcsanyi lists his hobbies as playing World Of Warcraft and wanking...we must be a perfect match because they are my favorite hobbies too, although maybe I'll watch X-Files whilst he's gaming away and then we can get together on the wanking bit, once he's built up a real good sweaty gaming-crotch.

Check out the video,  you can watch him jump, and his  'German Sausage' is definitely jumping too...ohmygard when he lands, you can see his sausage is a REAL BOBBER.

Question of the Day...

Describe an embarrassing childhood or teenage memory.

This will get it started:
"It started with my mom saying to Marc, "Do you want to hear an embarrassing story about David?" She then went on to tell us that when I was 17 she got a call from the local video rental store informing David that his gay porn he rented was past due. They didn't exactly say gay porn but by the title my mother instantly knew.
She didn't want to embarrass me since I had not yet come out so she never told me until today.  Whoops lol! How stupid of me to give out the family phone but it was the 80's and I was still in high school so I didn't think that this could happen.
My mom is such a good sport.  She ended the conversation laughing with "I hope you remembered to return it!"
I can't help but wonder what the title of that movie was. I rented more than one as a senior in high school and looked older for my age so no one ever questioned me."

-- David

Five Reasons We Wish Aaron Rodgers Were Actually Gay

From: Queerty
He’s at the top of his game
If Aaron Rodgers were to come out, he would be the first professional athlete in a major American sport to do so in his prime. This man is not some tired, irrelevant former football player looking to take advantage of the limelight that comes with coming out—he’s been hailed as one of the greatest NFL quarterbacks of all time and continues to deliver historic performances to this day.
He also carried the Green Bay Packers to the Super Bowl in 2011, where he won the prestigious MVP ring that his “personal assistant” loves so much.

Dish of the Day #1314: Baby, It's Cold Outside

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Academy Award for Best Original Song

"Thanks for the Memory" — The Big Broadcast of 1938 
Music: Ralph Rainger • Lyrics: Leo Robin


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