Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Question of the Day...

Describe an embarrassing childhood or teenage memory.

This will get it started:
"It started with my mom saying to Marc, "Do you want to hear an embarrassing story about David?" She then went on to tell us that when I was 17 she got a call from the local video rental store informing David that his gay porn he rented was past due. They didn't exactly say gay porn but by the title my mother instantly knew.
She didn't want to embarrass me since I had not yet come out so she never told me until today.  Whoops lol! How stupid of me to give out the family phone but it was the 80's and I was still in high school so I didn't think that this could happen.
My mom is such a good sport.  She ended the conversation laughing with "I hope you remembered to return it!"
I can't help but wonder what the title of that movie was. I rented more than one as a senior in high school and looked older for my age so no one ever questioned me."

-- David

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