Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Hottest Men in Baseball 2013

From: The Backlot
C.J. Wilson

Ability: 3 bats
Looks: 4 bats
Age 32
At an age when many pitchers begin considering retirement, the uber-hot Wilson is sustaining a moderately successful career on the mound. Outside of the ballpark, he tends to get in a little trouble with blog posts that have ranged from liberal to vaguely racist and insulting of his teammates. A devoted Taoist, Wilson adheres to a way of life that abstains alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco and sex in order to maintain health. As a Texas Ranger, he wore a blue glove to match his uniform and now, as an L.A. Angel, wears a red glove. But with that face and body, who’s looking at the glove?

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