Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20th is Space Exploration Day

Whereas on July 20, 1969, the people of the world were brought closer together by the first manned exploration of the Moon;

Whereas any strong national commitment to a broad technology base research and development effort, such as the Space Program, where extensive technology transfer is made readily available to American industry, will after a 5 to 10 year time period and beyond, create millions of private sector industry jobs, expand the creation of goods and services, expand the national tax base, advance the U.S. International balance of trade, stimulate the U.S. economy, help to reduce individual taxes indirectly, as well as provide more opportunity, without cutbacks, to reduce the federal deficit.

Whereas in time research pioneered by independent researchers, and the NASA Glenn Research Center Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project, using emerging new physics, will make possible control over gravity and inertia, making possible Star Travel at acceptable energies and in acceptable transportation times.

Whereas in this same spirit of greatness that made possible, the placing of astronauts on the Moon can be applied to all noble pursuits, including peace, brotherhood, advancement of the human spirit, and the exploration of new frontiers for the benefit of all mankind.

It is resolved that July 20th be designated as Space Exploration Day, a potential holiday on the order of Flag Day, and July 16 - 24 be designated as the U.S. Space Observance, in commemoration of the nine day Apollo 11 Moon Mission.

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