Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20th is National Lollipop Day

Today is National Lollipop Day! Lollipops come in dozens of different shapes, sizes, and flavors. You can make traditional hard-candy lollipops with just four simple ingredients—sugar, water, corn syrup, and the flavoring of your choice.

Culinary historians believe that the lollipop (or at least some form of it) has been around since the prehistoric era. Early humans often enjoyed honey on a stick as a delicious treat. No one really knows how the modern-day lollipop was invented, but we do know how it got its name. George Smith, the owner of a small American candy store, came up with the sweet's name. In the early 1900s, he called the candy a "lollipop" after his favorite racehorse—Lolly Pop.

To celebrate National Lollipop day, head to your local candy or convenience store and grab a lollipop to celebrate! Enjoy!

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