Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15th is Be A Dork Day

On Be a Dork Day there's no need for prim and proper, instead it's a day to disregard what others think and let your inner dork out for the day. This holiday can be taken literally to mean acting all goofy and clumsy, or alternatively, it can mean doing something you've always wanted to do, but were afraid to because you thought you'd look like a dork. Perhaps, it's ice skating, or rollerblading. Perhaps dancing, acting, golfing, fishing or bowling.

What's the difference between a dork and a geek? While both are somewhat awkward, geeks are smarter. So on the geek holidays, we celebrate the smarties who've decided not to hide their love and aptitude for technology and science. Whereas on Be a Dork Day, we celebrate those awkward traits which most of us have, along those who have the guts to do something where they have virtually no chance of doing well.

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