Thursday, July 3, 2014

A River Runs Through Me - By Peter Venlig

From: Queer Click
It was 1970 when my body went through some funky hormonal changes that had me questioning whether I was sane. I was a good kid; I got along well with my family, and I had a group of friends that I loved to hang out with, but I always felt like something was missing. I needed some excitement in my life, but I didn't know where to find it. Then a new kid came to our school, and I caught him looking my way a lot. That was when my life changed in ways I could never imagine.

Jimmy was 2 years older than me, and his family moved to our little town after giving up the city life. Jim was immediately popular with all the cool kids just because he was from somewhere else, but it didn't take long before he got friendly with my dorky crowd instead. He obviously didn't think being cool was all that much fun. Soon we became friends and he often came looking for me between classes. It was always a thrill to see him because I thought he was incredibly good looking, and he always made me laugh.

I wasn't Jim's only friend though because he played sports, and he strutted to class like a real stud whenever his football buddies were around. I didn't care for sports too much, so I stayed away from him during those times. At first it was hard to believe he wanted to be around me. I was still growing hair around my cock while Jim already had lots of hair on his chest, and he had to shave every day. I fucking idolized him because he looked so mature, and I hoped to look real masculine like him someday.

It was the summer before Jim was a senior when he invited me to go swimming with a few of his football friends down at the river. He picked me up in his grandpa's pickup, and he wore a ratty pair of overalls with nothing underneath because it was hot that day. I heard him laughing about the way he looked when he came up to my door. His fly was missing buttons so it was always open, and I could see his big fat cock through the open hole as he drove along the back trails. It did something to my insides to be that close to him while we bounced along in that old pickup. When we parked by the river edge Jimmy and his buddies all stripped and jumped in; then I got embarrassed because I was younger, and I started to get hard when I saw them get naked. It was difficult to not stare while they splashed around. I had no idea my dick would get that hard, and I didn't understand what was happening to me.

"Hey Squirt, where ya going?" yelled Jim as I walked alone beside the river bank. He sounded disappointed.

"I'm looking for some deeper water where I can dive in," I hollered back, but all I really wanted was to get away from the boys because my cock had a mind of its own, and I was afraid they would laugh at my hard on. I looked back as they all stood to see who could piss the farthest, and it was too much for my young, almost hairless cock to bear. I didn't know it then, but the image of them comparing dicks like that would be stuck in my mind for the rest of my life.

My cock had taken over my total existence that day, and nothing would make it go back down.Stripping off my clothes felt good; exposing my cock to the open air felt good; watching Jim and his buddies wrestle in the water was fantastic, and when I swam naked in the warm river I imagined a blow job would feel about the same as the flowing current tickled my cock head. Then I sensed some little minnows giving me kisses around my crotch hairs as they searched for food. It all made me hopelessly horny, and I didn't know what to do about it because I had never jacked off all the way before. Soon I found some deep water so I just floated there alone with my hand on my cock...stroking because it felt so good. I must have looked like a wounded animal trying to keep from drowning.

"Hey, what are you doing all by yourself down here?" asked Jim. I noticed the rest of the boys were still splashing around upstream, and Jim had quietly followed me. They couldn't see us.

"Oh...uh...I've got this mosquito bite that itches so bad I can't stand it," I explained, feeling embarrassed, "I know I shouldn't scratch it, but it feels so good." I lied, and Jim knew it as he gave me a wry smile. He swam closer to me. The thought of his beautiful, hairy-blond body being so close sent wild sensations down my spine, and I couldn't stop touching my cock if I tried.

"Sometimes I do that too," said Jim as he swam upward to thrust his beautiful dick out of the water for me to see. It was so long that the head extended way up past his belly button when he got hard. He swam around me until he found a still place where he could sit in a pool of water, and it was obvious that he was stroking too. There was no longer a reason to hold back so I rubbed my cock like crazy now.

"Who taught you to masturbate like that?" asked Jim, "I think it feels better if you slow down a little." I just looked at him with a confused expression on my face.

" you've never had the big O, have you?" said Jim with a chuckle in his voice. I just hung my head because he knew what he was talking about. None of my other friends knew much about sex. They were shy like me and we never talked about it. All I knew was that sometimes my cock demanded attention by getting stiff. I thought orgasm was something that only married couples got to have.

"Just relax a little and let me help you then," said Jim as he moved up behind me in the 
water. He was smiling sweetly as he pulled me back into his chest, and his muscular arms reached around to find my dick like an expert as he held me close. His breathing was hot and wet down the back of my neck, and it was thrilling to be held that way. I noticed his chest hair felt soft against my back. I was stiff and nervous at first, and my heart pounded as his masculine hands touched me everywhere. I could feel his huge dick pressing up between my spread legs from behind as he gently caressed my cock shaft. His experienced hands were making my dick feel good as he stroked fast; then slow, and eventually I let myself go completely into his arms. Soon my hips began to gyrate in reaction to my elevated arousal.

"I've wanted this for so long," Jim growled deeply behind my ear as his grip on my body 
suddenly got stronger. He pressed his stiff cock head up against my butt hole, and I didn't know what to do because I was completely in his control. He was steady in his thrusting and he continued to press hard enough that my tight opening finally gave way to let him in. Being entered like that put my entire body into a pleasure spasm that shot out of my cock and onto my face. I had my first climax! It happened so fast that I yelped in surprise, and the sensation surged again and again until I was completely spent. It was like discovering the taste of candy for the first time, and it was the most fantastic feeling I had ever experienced.

Jim pushed deeper into my hole when my big O caused me to relax; it was an opportunity for him to completely fill me up, and I thought my butt would explode before he began to gently push his cock in and out of me. It hurt like hell at first, but Jim took it slow, and soon I got used to the size of his big dong as I let go...forcing myself to ignore the pain. I was surprised to find that my cock got hard again, and Jim was pumping furiously now as his eyes rolled and he breathed harder. Then he stopped suddenly as his entire body got stiff and his jizz pumped into my drove me wild to have his beautiful cock throb way up inside me like that. I stroked my cock for a second time, and I had another orgasm as my ass tightened around his softening member. This time I came so hard I got light headed, and when it was over we floated together in that river without a care in the world. I wanted to drift in Jim's arms like that forever, and I knew that my life had suddenly changed for the better. It was in that moment I became complete, and I was living in satisfaction heaven.

I saw Jim and his friends a lot that summer, and we went swimming every chance we got. All the boys wanted me there, and they even gave me a new name...Mosquito. There was no doubt I was gay, but they liked me that way. Jimmy was always my favorite though because he filled me up just right.

In 1971 Jimmy got drafted into the army, and they shipped him off to Vietnam. He served his country honorably, but I never got to see him again. When his body was returned to his family they found he was so damaged that they decided to have him cremated. Instead of keeping his ashes they held a small ceremony by the river before pouring him into the water. It was a request he made before he was drafted.

I'm old now, and I still think about Jimmy. I have a request in my will just like his. I want to be carried away by the warm river again so I can be with him forever, and maybe we can be reincarnated together as minnows. If you find yourself swimming in our river someday make sure you're naked, and we can give you little kisses too.

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