Thursday, June 12, 2014


From: The Gaily Grind
A Berlin hacker has created a website that allows users to design their very own sex toys, and print them out.

Users can create a custom dildo, adjusting the shape, height, width and color of the toys. When you are happy with your creation, you can simply 3D print your toy.

Ikaros Kappler used programming language Javascript and 3D library Three.js to build his ‘extrusion/revolution generator’ pleasure factory.

When a user visits the website, they are greeted with an outline of a basic sex toy which they can then manipulate using different points on the 2D drawing to create the shape they desire

According to the Daily Mail:

The generator also lets people order a mould and a silicon toy, or just the mould itself, but the people involved in the idea warn: ‘The software and the silicone casting is still somewhat experimental. Results may vary.’D D

The cost of 3D printers is falling all the time, but many affordable consumer offerings only allow people to print objects made from crude ‘strings’ of molten plastic – meaning the result is not smooth or professional looking.

However, high-end printers are being used to make prosthetic limbs, plaster casts and even kidneys and 3D printed tumours.

Giant versions of the machines are currently being used to created £3,000 bungalows in China, for example, and the technology could revolutionise kitchens too.

A PancakeBot created in Sweden earlier this year can 3D print interesting pancake designs, while another machine creates piped snacks made from crushed insects.
A design immediately appears as a colourful rendered 3D model to reflect the changes made to the initial basic shape.

A small box on the right-hand side of the generator displays information about the design, such as the toy’s height, weight and volume, so that the amount of silicon to make it can be calculated.

While most people do not have a sufficiently advanced 3D printer at home that can handle piping silicon, the tool does, in theory, allow anyone to print out a sex toy of their own design, Geekosystem reported.

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