Friday, June 6, 2014

The Definite Ranking Of The Best Bulges In This World Cup

Soccer balls aren’t the only balls on the field.
From: Buzz Feed

All bulges are ranked and measured on a scale of zero to five David Beckhams. Every soccer bulge was analyzed by a team of experts which then gave the number of Beckhams it deserved.

The ‘You Need To Pay Close Attention’: Lionel Messi.

 Why it’s important
Although most of the times Messi hides in jerseys and shorts that are way to big for him (Why Lio? WHY?), this bulge is unavoidable. Also, Argentina plays with white shorts, so hello there.
Side-note: What is Lio trying to say with his post goal hand gesture?
Bulge Rating
1/2 out of 5 David Beckhams.

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