Monday, June 23, 2014

The Best Shirtless Celebrities Of 2013

From: Socialite Life
Blake Dahlgren
November 7, 2013

Former Miss Great Britain, Leilani Dowding attempts a pas de deux­ on horseback with US World Equestrian Champion Blake Dahlgren in Sun Valley, California. In ballet, a pas de deux  is a type of dance for two people, typically a man and a woman. US World Equestrian Champion Blake Dahlgren has been an Equestrian Vaulter since the age of two. He has literally grown up vaulting. Blake started vaulting recreationally with his mother and his brother. Blake now stands 6'3 and is currently one of the tallest vaulter's in the sport. Blake found a way to turn his height into an advantage and has been a part of 16 National Championships. His accomplishments have come both as a team member and individually. Blake is a 2 time Individual National Champion, 2 time Pas De Duex National Champion and 4 time Squad National Champion. Blake has represented his country in international competition for the last 12 years and is a well know clinician both Nationally and Internationally. 

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