Saturday, June 7, 2014

Thanks to Buster, my husband

"This has been an overwhelmingly wonderful year – seeing the web traffic grow and realizing that guys and gals across the country and the world are stopping by and enjoying my work.  Yesterday, for example there were visitors from 35 countries, including China, Indonesian, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia (always makes me happy to think that I’m helping provide a bit of homoerotic joy to folks in oppressive regimes).

My point today is that this site would not exist if it weren’t for the constant encouragement of my amazing husband, Buster.  We’ve been together for 10 amazing years – and it was 4 years ago today that we had our wedding.  Time flies.

Buster has always encouraged me to show my work – to submit to blogs – to build this site.  He’s been supportive and encouraging as my photography started to focus more on male nudes and sexual themes – takes alot of patience and non-jealousy." -- Marlen Boro - July 21, 2011

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