Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Scientists Discover Bears Like Gay Sex

From: The Gaily Grind
 Zoologists in Eastern Europe have discovered that male brown bears enjoy engaging in oral sex with each other.

 No, this is no April fools joke. Researchers at the Polish Academy of Sciences, studied more than 116 hours of bear activity at a Croatian wildlife sanctuary noting 28 instances of fellatio between two male bears.

 Each “interlude” apparently lasted between one and four minutes!

Researchers published their finding in the journal Zoo Biology:
Sexually stimulating behaviors that are not linked to reproduction are rare among non-human (especially non-primate) mammals. Such behaviors may have a function in the hierarchy of social species. In solitary species, such behaviors are more enigmatic, and possibly indicative of something abnormal.

Here, we report on a case of two male brown bears, raised in captivity since being orphaned as cubs, which engaged in recurrent fellatio multiple times per day until at least 10 years old. The roles of provider and receiver in the act remained unchanged, and the behavior itself became highly ritualized. The provider always initiated the contact involving vigorous penile sucking that appeared to result in ejaculation.

We suggest that the behavior began as a result of early deprivation of maternal suckling, and persisted through life, possibly because it remained satisfying for both individuals. This constitutes the first descriptive report of fellatio in bears, and suggests that some bears may suffer lifelong behavioral consequences from being orphaned at an early age.

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