Friday, June 27, 2014


From: Yummy of the Day
 "It's obvious that the Yumster Crew has enjoyed the TOP 5 FREEBIES CHALLENGE. So, while we're in Louisiana the next few days for Jr.'s gymnastics competition, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some of the lists. We're kicking it off with the person who's responsible for it all, Robert, over at Welcome to the Middle Ages." -- MAC

 Robert's #1 FREEBY
Nathan Fillion

 "He played Johnny the firefighter on "Two Guys and a Girl", then Captain Mal Reynolds on "Firefly", the evil Father Caleb on "Buffy", finally leading up to novelist Richard Castle on "Castle".

 And I 'HEART' him.

 There's a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and he looks good in just about everything.  

 Oh Nathan, so loverly." - Robert

CLICK HERE to check out the rest of Robert's list.

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