Monday, June 2, 2014


From: Yummy of the Day
I am showcasing the work of my good friend, Kyle Michel Sullivan. We continue our exploration with Porno Manifesto. The cover art is courtesy of another friend of YOTD, Dan Skinner.  

Alec Presslea just wanted to live his life, but then he was nearly killed in a gay-bashing and on top of that, he learned the police were deliberately shielding his attackers because one was the son of a prominent judge. That's when a hungry howling Panther took him over...and he found a new meaning. So the world said he was sick and immoral and against nature? That he did not deserve the same rights as others? That it was okay to try and kill him? Well, he'd show everyone that it was actually normal and natural for two men to derive pleasure from each other. Period. And he would use the frat-boys who had attacked him to prove this...even though it meant he would have to trick them into helping him. Of course, under his Porno Manifesto, that would be the best revenge.

Kyle was kind enough to give us a glimpse into the inspiration for his novel...
This is an easier book to deal with than some of my other writing. It's a straightforward revenge story topped up with some tech stuff and a bit of psychology. I came up with the story after I'd published "How To Rape A Straight Guy". I was trying to figure out where to go with my writing...and I was feeling a bit more radical in my thinking, so I used this book to sort that out. The fact is, Alec's pronouncements about his manifesto pretty much match my own thoughts about how gay sex has been marginalized and made a political toy.

I came of sexual age in the 70s in Texas, when it was illegal for even married couples to do the things gay men and women liked to do together. What was great about it was how straight men were willing to try it out with you and then shrug it off if they didn't like what went on between you. No hate. No accusations. Just, "Not my thing." I had a lot of that...and a lot of repeats from straight men testing the waters. And it was usually a case of, "Man, I didn't know it could feel like that."

The AIDS crisis politicized it, as did the ascendency of the right wing talibangelicals and the push-back from the gay left-wing. Suddenly, it seemed like if you had even one experience with someone of the same sex, you were labeled gay. So "Porno Manifesto" calls bullshit on that. Hell, all of my books do. Sex is too poorly understood to be labeled as gay, straight, or anything.

To order your copy of Porno Manifesto, visit Direct Textbook orSmashwords.

To learn more about Kyle Michel Sullivan, stop by his blog, Jam the Cat.

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