Friday, June 6, 2014

My Life In Leather: Razor's Edge

From: Queer Click
Master Steve told him that tonight was going to be something special and that when he left later that evening his life was going to be forever changed. He had no idea what it meant but his rock hard dripping cock wouldn't let him forget those words. The suspense was killing him but the fear was causing him to savor these few moments before the Master returned to the room.

Before long he heard rustling. He couldn't make out the sounds but he knew he wasn't alone. Suddenly he felt a leather gloved hand rustling through his thick pelt of chest hair. He had started getting a hairy chest when he was just a teen and now at 24 it was thick and lush, tapering into a sexy treasure trail that led to a nice set of dark curly pubes. When he dated girls they fawned all over his furry chest, and when he came out he found that the guys he messed around with loved to run their hands through it. He felt his pride swell up as the Master ran his hands through it. Then he heard a click and a buzzing sound. Growing up, his father often took him to the barber to get a "man's haircut", returning home with a flat top or buzz cut, so he knew instinctively that the buzzing was coming from a set of hair clippers. Master Steve brought them close to his ears so he could hear them well. He spoke in his sexy deep voice, "You came to me a man... cocky, arrogant, full of swagger. You humbled yourself before me to taste my leather boots, feel the kiss of my whips and the sting of my paddles. You have proven that you have a submissive heart, but so far this has only been a game to you. You must prove that you have what it takes to be my slave. But I warn you. Once this door is opened it can never be closed. Say the word and I will undo your restraints. We can still be friends, perhaps play from time to time. But if your heart and soul yearns for what is to come next, as I know it does, then give yourself to me."

Alan's heart was beating a mile a minute. It was all going so fast but deep down he knew it was right. It's what he'd wanted ever since he saw a slave serving his Master on the internet. It's what he'd wanted every time he'd read and reread his favorite erotic stories. But he knew this was the point of no return. Was he truly ready? He thought for just a moment then said with a trembling voice, "Yes Sir".

The moment the words escaped his lips he felt the clippers glide across his chest. What the hell was he doing? They kept going. Was this a joke? He'd seen guys at the gym with smooth chests but it wasn't his style. His furry chest was a symbol of his manhood. He was proud to show it off, and now it was almost gone. The clippers continued but didn't stop at his chest. The made quick work of his treasure trail and them moved on to his arms. He opened his mouth to protest but it was quickly stuffed with a rubber gag that filled his mouth and wrapped around his head. He was about to start trying his best to yell through the gag when he realized how hard his dick was. He couldn't believe it, was he actually enjoying this? As the clippers made their way down his legs he stopped struggling. There was no point anyway, and the more he thought about it he realized that this was the ultimate act of submission. If he were going to become the man's slave his body was not his any longer. He tried to justify it in his head. If he went to the gym he'd just tell the guys he wanted to try it. He'd seen lots of guys with smooth pecs and abs. It wouldn't be a big deal. That when the clippers glided across his armpits. That was going to be a little harder to explain, he thought to himself. He lay there, cock hard and throbbing. A leather gloved hand wrapped around it and started pumping. He was on the verge of cumming but something told him not to. He was so turned on by this whole ordeal and he didn't want it to end. The buzz of the clippers tickled his balls and then along his shaft. Then he felt the clippers as they shaved off his man bush. All of his pubes slid off his body as the clippers rendered his crotch totally smooth.

Then he felt warm water wash over him and something warm and soft being massaged into his skin. He realized when he smelled the menthol that it was shaving cream. He was lost in an erotic stupor while the last remnants of his man hair was scraped away. The Master flipped him over and easily removed the small patch of curly hairs that sat just above his ass, then made quick work of shaving his asshole clean as well. At this point Alan's mind was wondering what his buddies would say. How he would explain this to his coworkers on casual Fridays if he were to wear a short sleeved shirt, or a pair of shorts in the summer time. He was brought back into the present when the Master released his bonds. He led him, still blindfolded, into a small shower in the corner of the playroom. He was washed down with warm water and then a quick burst of cold. He often did that to his face after a clean shave but the effect on his body was startling. But it brought him out of his daydreaming even more and into the moment.

He stood there in total darkness unable to even guess at what could possibly happen next. Just then, Master Steve took off the blindfold. Up until now everything they had done together was very casual. Master Steve usually wore a pair of torn jeans and a t-shirt when they hooked up, maybe a leather vest. But standing here before him was a gorgeous hunk of man in skin tight leather chaps, his nice thick dick standing erect with a shiny silver cock ring encasing it. A thick leather harness crossed his lush, furry salt & pepper chest. And a thick leather arm band wrapped around his left bicep. Atop his head was a hot leather Muir cap, the kind he'd seen in so many Tom of Finland drawings. They gazed at each other in silence for a few minutes, both of their cocks pointing straight up at the sight of each other. Master Steve slowly turned Alan to a full length mirror. It was then that Alan's world collapsed. Up until then he'd been a powerful man. He called the shots wherever he went. He walked with a swagger and did pretty much anything he wanted to do. But seeing himself in the mirror like this he realized it was all a sham. He wasn't that big burly man he pretended to be. Seeing his smooth, hairless naked body next to his strong powerful Master he realized he was just a scared boy who needed guidance. His forceful demeanor was gone and in it's place was a docile submissive slave wanting to please his Master in any way he could. The shock of seeing his denuded body drove point the idea that this is who he truly was. His outside now matched his inside.

Master Steve looked proudly upon his handiwork. He saw the change in Alan's face and behavior. Pulling something from his back pocket he gazed at his slave's eyes in the mirror. "Now", he said, "you are ready". And with that, he placed a chain collar around his slave's neck, clicking the padlock and putting the key in his pocket. And with a contented sigh slave alan started his new life.


Body shaving used to be quite taboo. Especially in the 60's and 70's when a man's chest hair was a huge sign of his masculinity. So taking away another man's body hair was a huge deal and seen as a major form of Dominance over another. These days the hair removal industry has been cashing in on the fact that men who choose to be hairless can now do so openly and proudly. In major cities the local entertainment papers are full of laser hair removal ads in the classified sections. Depilatory companies that once only made pink bottles featuring a shapely pair of smooth women's legs on them now have a full line of "For Men" products. And electric shavers that were once meant only for men's faces have now been adapted for pretty much any area that has hair. So why all the fuss in the BDSM scene about body shaving? As the above story illustrates, not every man goes for the smooth look. For some, their body hair is a key component in their identity. It shows their growth from a boy to a man. It defines how they feel about their masculinity. And if you are going to submit to another man and he takes that away from you, it can have a starling effect on your psyche. And that's exactly what is supposed to happen. For some, BDSM is like an extreme sport. It's about chasing an adrenaline rush. It's about pushing the body and seeing what limits it can take. But for some it's way more than that. It's about reaching into your soul and finding out who you really are. A lot of things can happen when you allow yourself to be flogged by another man. Or get tied up or any other forms of play. But when you kneel before another man and willingly give yourself to him, it's no longer just play. Men in the leather scene have to know themselves very well if they want to go deeper than casual play. And a shaving scene can open up your mind and challenge your very perception of who you are. Some say that being shaved smooth makes them feel even more naked than they've ever been. It's a form of vulnerability that is unmatched in other form of play.

On the other hand, some guys see body shaving as a fetish. The look of a smooth man is hotter than anything else if this is what you're into. And the fetish can take many forms. For some, it's the act of shaving, being shaved, or watching someone being shaved. For others it's just the image of a smooth crotch, or shaved muscular legs. Bodybuilders often shave their bodies and are the subject of many spent loads from guys who get off on both smooth skin and muscles. Some guys feel their sexiest right after shaving off all their hair. And some have been known to go all the way and remove it permanently. Of course, not all guys who like it smooth are into it as a fetish. I doubt the male hair removal industry would be a big as it is today if it were just servicing the guys who get off on smooth skin. But I'd be willing to bet the trend of guys going smooth all over has made quite a few shaving fetishists very very happy.

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