Friday, June 27, 2014


From: Yummy of the Day
 Leave it to Mistress Maddie to one up my list. When I saw who he had selected for his top spot, I dropped my wine glass and shrieked "How could I have forgotten about him!!!

Marco Dapper

 "No matter what mood I'm in, this man will get my kitty purrrrrrring in no time, and would most likely get my proverbial rocket to fire all night!!!! HAWT! SEXY! I can't even collect words for this gent! He is just pure sexiness. First off there's that hot as hell smile and that mischievous look again.

Looks good shaven and with facial hair. Those legs, those arms and his great personality! He seems like a fun guy from what I hear. This actor and model is the baby of the Internet, but hands off cats, he's mine!!! Marco also has fun with fashion, looks good in and out of clothes...look at that chest and body!!!!! I'd be rubbing his body all night like Helen Keller reading Braille!!!!!! And he also has a great sense of humor. And don't even get me started with his infamous endowment, another huge plus! Did you see it in Eating Out , Sloppy Seconds!!!!! Just find me a shoe to bite on!!!! Anyway, this is the guy that stills my heart, puts me in a good mood, and turns me on like no one else. I'd probably rob a bank for this man! And I just can't help like a all around nice guy........ those eyes...... where's my smelling salts...." -Mistress Maddie

 HMMM, I wonder if he likes Marco?

CLICK HERE to check out the rest of Mistress Maddie's list.



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